Student project

2023 Fall semester

  1. Supervised Machine Learning the Classical Spin Models 趙淨
  2. Use distribution of Hamming distances to determine the phase transitions of the clock model and Generalized xy model 李宗翰
  3. Applicability and Implementation of Self Supervised Ensemble Learning in Phase Transition Classification 李彧
  4. 利用機器學習預測咖啡品質 邱振銓

2023 Spring semester

  1. Unsupervised machine learning on classification of quantum phases 吳軒宇 (口頭報告優等獎+海報特優獎)
  2. Self-supervised learning on q state clock model  林淑敏
  3. Detecting the phase transition of q-state clock model through universal model 吳侑恩 (共同指導) (口頭報告特等獎+海報特優獎)
  4. Classification of phases using autoencoder 余彥承 (海報特優獎)

2020 Fall semester

  1. Study q-state clock model using Wolff algorithm 程大榕 (特優獎+最佳人氣獎)
  2. Application of reinforcement learning on Cart-pole problem  廖育捷 (最佳人氣獎)
  3. SIR model and its applications 林君豪
  4. Machine Learning on hand-writing classification 蘇耀霆
  5. Machine Learning on Ising-model 劉峻豪
  6. Deep Learning on self-driving car 陳茁 (最佳人氣獎)

Previous projects


  1. 機器學習在Ising Model 三角晶格的熱相變之探討 (朱羿蓁)
  2. 機器學習在Ising Model中 四角晶格 的熱相變 (葉恩良)
  3. 機器學習在 ising model 中的熱相變 (劉哲宇)
  4. 2d Ising mdoel (程大榕)
  5. SIR model (林君豪)
  6. Application of CNN on shape analysis (廖育捷)


  1. 機器學習在Ising Model 三角晶格的熱相變之探討 (朱羿蓁)
  2. 機器學習在Ising Model中 四角晶格 的熱相變 (葉恩良)
  3. 機器學習在 ising model 中的熱相變 (劉哲宇)
  4. Random walk (程大榕)


  1. 機器學習在Ising Model 三角晶格的熱相變之探討 (朱羿蓁)
  2. 機器學習在Ising Model中 四角晶格 的熱相變 (葉恩良)
  3. 機器學習在 ising model 中的熱相變 (劉哲宇)


  1. Simulation on galaxy collision (劉少輔)
  2. Machine learning (張宇華)
  3. Reinforcement learning on Cart-pole problem (陳家惠)
  4. Spin ice in magnetic field (馬晨薰)